Water Use Efficiency and Leakage Reduction (WELR)
nefficient water usage and water loss are a primary risk to the municipal sector in terms of water availability and financial sustainability. The No Drop Assessment 2015 revealed that South Africa has an average water consumption of 235 litres/capita/day, compared to the international average of 173 litres/capita/day.
Moreover, an estimated 37 percent of the water in South Africa’s municipal systems is non-revenue water (NRW). This means it is “lost” – through leaks, theft, or metering inaccuracies – before it reaches customers. This is equivalent to 1,580 million m3, with a value of more than 7 billion South African rand ($500 million) annually.
This ultimately presents a direct risk to all water users. Challenges to addressing high NRW include the lack of managerial and technical skills in municipalities, aging and dilapidated infrastructure, rapid housing developments unaligned to infrastructure master planning and budgets, and a poor understanding of the complexities of water supply and demand management.
With 2030 fast approaching, now is the time to act decisively to close the 17% water gap that we are predicted to face.
Co-Chair for the Water Use Efficiency and Leakage Reduction Working Group
Public Affairs and Stakeholder Engagement Manager
The WELR working group focuses on developing solutions for reducing water losses in municipal and industrial water systems, with a special focus on developing instruments for management of water losses. Benefits include reduction of the amount of water lost and a consequent reduction in demand.
If you would like to participate in the working group please email us on the link below