The SWPN contributes to efficient, equitable and sustainable water supply and access to water for all South Africans through the identification and application of innovative and cost-effective solutions.
15 May 2024 – At this week’s bi-annual Strategic Water Partners Network (SWPN) Steering Committee meeting, the tone was one…
The SWPN is hosted by the NEPAD Business Foundation
We would not have moved as fast in developing and implementing the‘No Drop’ project in such a short space of time without the SWPN. In fact, I doubt that this project would have happened at all.
Paul Herbst, Director: Water Use Efficiency, DWS
Projects by Working Groups
Agricultural Supply Chain
WAS Administration System (WAS) – Phases 1, 2 and 3
WAS Evaluation
Vaalharts Funding and Investment Plan
Effluent Wastewater Management and Sanitation
Mine Water Project – Phases 1,2 and 3
Mine Water for Irrigation
Non Revenue Water and Wastewater Financing in South Africa
Water Use Efficiency and Leakage Reduction
Polokwane Water Partnership (ongoing)
No Drop Programme
No Drop Evaluation
Performance Based Contract
War on Leaks Placement Strategy
Review of Water Stewardship in South Africa